Thank You for Signing Up for Your
104 Safelist 1-Year Gold Upgrades.

You will receive an email every week to the email inbox you assigned when you registered.

Join Each Weekly Safelist for FREE.
Verify Your Email.
Get a 5-pack of Ads and Credits for Joining.
Redeem Promo Code newmember for Another Ad-Pack.
Redeem your Exclusive Promo Code for the 1-Year Gold Upgrade.
Gold Members Receive Monthly Ads and Credits.
Even MORE Promo Codes for MORE FREE ADS ad Credits.


Take this Opportunity to Use Your Referrals to BUILD YOUR LIST.  

When you promote just your affiliate link, you MAY get referrals, but it would be more likely getting signups to something of value (like a newsletter) than just a signup page like everyone else is promoting. AND...

If you do not CAPTURE THAT LEAD, you have NO WAY TO CONTACT THEM after they sign up as an affiliate. 

Why is this important?  Because it takes 7-11 EXPOSURES to get someone from

Lead (curious) to Prospect (interested) to Potential Customer (likely to buy)

You WANT these leads to OPT-IN so you can continue to contact them with messages about YOUR BUSINESS.  That means that you should be sending them to a LEAD CAPTURE PAGE that requires them to verify their email (opt-in) which gives you permission to continue sending them email messages.


Click to Join  MyVIPContacts Below

I recommend a wonderful, and affordable tool suite like MyVIPContacts to build your capture pages, perform the email verification, build a follow-up message stream, and broadcast to YOUR SUBSCRIBERS.  The full blown Gold membership for only $10.97 per month includes capture page, rotator, tracker tools, an unlimited autoresponder, and a digital download library.  MVC Gold members earn 40% per month RECURRING RESIDUAL INCOME commissions.


This is the way to make money online: Leads, Your List, Multiple Streams of Residual Income, and most importantly, FOLLOW-UP.   

+ Build Your List FIRST,

+ then nurture your subscribers so they KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you.

+ Give them information and something of value TO THEM, not just sales pitches.





Build YOUR OWN LIST with 2 Years of Follow-up Messages

Upgraded Members of MyVIPContacts Get 104 Weekly Follow-Up Email Swipes giving away a 1-Year Gold Upgrade Promo Code, one per week for 104 Safelists. Set each one up to go out once every 7 days from your MyVIPContacts autoresponder. This gives you 2 Years of follow-up emails, SOMETHING OF REAL VALUE, to keep your subscribers ENGAGED FOR 2 YEARS. Over that 2-year period of time, your subscribers receive $3,848.00 in valuable Promo Codes for staying on your list!

Get this UNLIMITED Autoresponder,
MotionLeads Capture Page Builder,
Ad Tracker,
Link Rotator,
Digital Download Library,
 Follow-up Swipes and Promo Codes for 104 Gold 1-year Upgrades

Earn 40% Commission

Only $10.97 per month or $97 Per Year

Join MyVIPContacts



Use This Free Tool to Prevent Gmail Slowdowns and Bounces
due to Flooding of Safelist Messages.

Read Your Incoming Emails Online with this Free Tool to Prevent Blowing Up Your GMail Accounts with Messages from these 104 Sites.  Receive only Admin Announcements and Notices on Gmail.

Join MasterSafelistMails for Free


Traffic and List Builders I Personally Use

 Join and Update with YOUR banners and Page URLs


Copyright 2024 Richard Moyer dba Spaho Consulting

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